Quote From 2023:
"I just really don't like to bend over."
Quotes From 2022:
"I am not yelling. I am raising my voice."
How many mums did you carry? "Uh, one."
"Shingles don't care"
"I was dealt a hand full of nines."
"It takes the time it takes."
"Stop looking for the zebra."
"Never saw that one coming" (the 2 inches of snow).
Quote From 2020:
"The mum staples do not have to social distance."
Quotes From 2018:
"Why don't Japanese Beetles watch where they are going?!!"
"Can't we just sell the water hemp?"
"Please, no more matters..."
Quote From 2017:
"Escape from Alcatraz."
Quotes From 2016:
"George Louis the 12th."
"How far away is West Point?"
Quotes From 2015 & Before:
"Where is the chicken?"
"No, we are not Amish. We are Catholic."
"Hey, there is Leo the Lion (the constellation)" while loading a mum trailer.
"I am just a blunt instrument."
"I am just standing here not doing anything." (Really??)
"He must have been real cute!"
"I don't know? I just do mums."
"No broken stems!" (while little kids are helping with mums)
"Do I need to set my alarm for 4:30?"
"Yes, I know what causes it....."
"Great times are waiting, grab some Mums!"
"Burgermeister Meisterburger"
"Time for Rosary!" (at 10:30 pm)
"I am mentally paralyzed!"
"Those buckets are going to be famous someday."
"Stop the Sanguine and start Diligizing"
"I get to babysit!"
"That is about as professional looking as a flour sack dress!"
"I am just trying to keep all my frogs in the wheelbarrow!"
"Now comes....."
"I just want a piece of bread!"